
Friday, November 22, 2019

The Hermit

A man named Carl Pineo was known as "The Hermit" by the local people. He lived a mile and a half up Zale Lawton Hollow outside of Oswayo (three-fourths mile beyond the old schoolhouse and the Po Car Camp, formerly the old Rufus Johnston farm). He lived alone in an old shack about a mile from the nearest neighbor. I don't believe he was ever married.

About once every two weeks Carl would walk to town to get his mail which was mostly magazines and weekly newspapers and to get a few groceries. Other than those visits to town, he seldom saw anyone.  He may have seen a hunter or two during hunting season, but he kept to himself most of the time.

For a time, Carl would also come to town to celebrate Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.  Year on the Fourth of July, he got drunk while in town and fell asleep on the hotel porch.  While he was knocked out, some mischievous young men wrapped him in red, white, and blue crepe paper decorations and soaked him with a water hose.  When he woke up, the dyes from the decorations had left him colored red, white, and blue.  He never came to town for the holiday again.

This kind of treatment of someone shows a lack of compassion and is just plain meanness.  At the time, as a young man, I didn't understand this and found the story amusing.  However, the Apostle Paul admonishes us to "Love one another deeply.  Honor others more than yourselves" (Romans 12:10 NIRV).  May God fill us with love for others and show us how to honor others more than ourselves.  
--Darell (and Jan) 

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